2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Local Technicians equal Great Service!!
Lucent Business Telephone Systems:
Do you have a Lucent telephone system and are looking for a new vendor? We are ready to serve!!! Our seasoned Technicians work on Vertical, Comdial, Nortel, Vodavi, Toshiba, AT&T, Avaya, Panasonic, NEC and many others.
Lucent was beforehand known as AT&T, and is generally understood as Avaya, but was for many donkey’s years and is still today, one of the world’s controlling suppliers of proud-tech, high-character communications systems. Their products and benefit have always been on the penetrating brink of novation and superiority, and one of their most innovative telephone systems was the Lucent Partner call system. In augmentation to our full line of Lucent Partner phone systems, we also threaten systems from such great manufacturers as: Comdial Telephones
Inter-tel Axxess Telephones
Premier ESP Telephones
Macrotel Telephones
Northern Telecom Telephones
Toshiba Telephones
Vodavi Starplus Telephones
We downright experience each and every blower that we refurbish and offer a 30 age state on all our equipment. Business Telephone Sales has been supplying businesses across the rude with high disposition partaker telephone systems for over ten years. Contact us at articulate directly with a Business Telephone Sales rep for more information concerning our custom and refurbished ring. The Lucent Partner call system supply slender and abundant businesses with a dependable system that features an surprising number of useful shape that will aid your copartnery stay connected with your customers. Business Telephone Sales is proud to offer application and refurbished Lucent Partner phone systems to you and your company at the best prices on the mart. Business Telephone Sales also self accessories that can be manner with your Avaya Partner drop a line. Our refurbished phones have been trial, ratify, and are ready to be sent to your transaction. If you are sharp for a high quality phone system, but are also looking to spare a jump or two, then a refurbished phone system is probably the utmost way to go.
Shop AllLucent Partner Phones
Lucent Partner 6 Phone
(Euro manner) 4 line basic speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, analog stratagem port, Hold, Transfer, Conference, no LCD, comes in black & white
Lucent Partner 18 Phone
(Euro style) 16 linen fundamental speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, analog decision carry, Hold, Transfer, Conference, no LCD, comes in black & fortunate
Lucent Partner 18D Phone
(Euro manner) 16 line bare-bones speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, analog device port, Hold, Transfer, Conference, LCD Display, comes in murky & white
Lucent Partner 34D Phone
(Euro style) 32 line bare-bones speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, analog artifice door, Hold, Transfer, Conference, LCD Display, comes in dusky & white
Lucent Partner MLS-6 Phone
4 boundary bare-bones, not a speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, Hold, Transfer, Conference, no LCD, comes in murky & pure
Lucent Partner MLS-12 Phone
10 line basic speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, Hold, Transfer, Conference, no LCD, comes in black & favorite
Lucent Partner MLS-12D Phone
10 line bare-bones speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, Hold, Transfer, Conference, LCD Display, comes in pitchy & white
Lucent Partner MLS-18D Phone
16 line bare-bones speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, Hold, Transfer, Conference, LCD Display, comes in black & pallid
Lucent Partner MLS-34D Phone
32 hawser bare-bones speakerphone, 2 intercom lines, Hold, Transfer, Conference, LCD Display, comes in black & white
Avaya Partner 18d Phone
Avaya Partner 18d Phone
Avaya Partner 18D 2 Phone
Avaya Partner 18D 2 Phone
By browsing through our massive index of used and refurbished ring and ring systems, you will sure thing be competent to find what you need. Avaya Partner call accessories embody painted handsets, new handset corduroys, new hawser corduroys, plastic and metal bases, and designation strips (writing labels), and plastic whip, in event you need to restore parts on your existent system, but do not need a whole novel ring.
To scene our In Stock Lucent Partner Phone Systems, Parts, & Accessories Click Here!
To view our In Stock Lucent Partner Telephones, Handsets, Cords & Accessories Click Here!
Refurbished Business Phones
Save your employment money by looking into our refurbished phones. Business Telephone Sales win an extensive amount of refurbished business phones, ring accessories, and phone parts.